Imaging is Power Campaign Reaches $10 Million Milestone

Caregivers hold up a sign reading "10 Million Thank Yous"

The Victoria Hospitals Foundation is celebrating a major milestone today. Thanks to our community’s generous spirit, donors have helped the Foundation’s Imaging is Power Campaign reach the $10 million mark.

“This is our most innovative campaign to date. Our Radiologists initiated it—highlighting both a critical need within our hospitals, but also a cost-effective refurbishment solution that would revolutionize the next decade of scans in a smart and tactful way. Our care teams join us in celebrating this campaign milestone, and the incredible impact of our community,” shares Avery Brohman, CEO, Victoria Hospitals Foundation. “As a Foundation, our focus is on stewarding the incredible generosity we have experienced and getting these new machines operationalized as quickly as possible.”

Through the campaign, Foundation donors are helping replace six vital pieces of medical imaging equipment at Royal Jubilee (RJH) and Victoria General (VGH) hospitals, including a new CT Scanner, SPECT/CT scanner, and C-Arm imaging device for the Heart Catheterization team. The campaign also includes upgrades to three MRI machines: one at RJH, and two at VGH. These machines run 24/7 in our hospitals, and are an essential, and often initial, component of patient care.

In sharing the milestone update, the Foundation is also sharing updates as it relates to equipment installations. RJH’s refurbished MRI is already underway, and the new CT scanner will be arriving at  VGH in the coming weeks. The C-Arm will  arrive at  RJH next month.

“I am so proud of this project that we embarked on as a community,” shares Dr. Alan Andrew, Radiologist and Medical Director, Island Health Medical Imaging. “Seeing the MRI being refurbished using a first-in-Canada method is so gratifying—not a day will go by that I don’t think of the donors that made this happen. Together, we are making faster and more precise imaging happen.”

The Foundation wishes to thank Canada Life for a generous pledge of $75,000 that brought the campaign to the $10 million mark.

“We know the crucial role of medical imaging equipment in diagnosis and treatment. Canada Life is proud to support Victoria Hospitals Foundation in their efforts to achieve better health outcomes and the highest-quality patient care possible for all British Columbians,” shares Stephanie Halligan, Director, Community Relations with Canada Life.

The Victoria Hospitals Foundation is thankful to Canada Life, and over 5,900 donors who have supported Imaging is Power so far. Canada Life’s generosity will help provide momentum to complete the campaign and raise the final $1 million.