Give a gift of US funds.
The American Friends of the Victoria Hospitals Foundation is a registered U.S. charity in the state of Washington created to enable U.S. dollar gifts in support of our foundation. Individuals and corporations with U.S. income can make a donation to The American Friends of Victoria Hospitals Foundation and receive an IRS charitable donation receipt.
Giving to The American Friends of the Victoria Hospitals Foundation not only provides you with the opportunity to honor the care you have received but it allows you to receive a deduction against your U.S. taxes, all while supporting Royal Jubilee, Victoria General, and Gorge Road hospitals.
I need help:
If you have any questions or wish to make a donation to the American Friends of the Victoria Hospitals Foundation, please contact Beth Cairns, Associate Director of Leadership and Legacy Giving at 250-519-1750 or send her a message at We appreciate your time and generosity.