Vascular Risk & Prevention Clinic

Dr. Chris Franco, Lead of the VRPC

Donor funding helps to treat patients, before they need the hospital

Cardiovascular disease (CVD) is a leading cause of death for Canadians. Those with early onset CVD have a high risk of recurring heart attacks and strokes throughout the rest of their lives. For these patients, the likelihood of another significant cardiac event within three years can be as high as 15%.

Established in July 2021, the Vascular Risk & Prevention Clinic (VPRC) at RJH provides support for patients at the highest levels of cardiovascular risk through medical therapies, risk-factor-management, and education. Since opening, the clinic has seen over 300 patients. 68% of those supported meet the criteria for familial hypercholesterolemia (genetic high cholesterol), and 70% have been diagnosed with premature coronary artery disease.

This preventative approach not only makes a life-changing difference for cardiac patients, but also impacts our whole community by lightening the load on our hospitals. Advance treatment reduces the need for acute care, meaning that our hospitals have greater remaining capacity to respond to other needs. With nearly a quarter of Vancouver Island residents over the age of 65, the demand on our hospitals is as great as ever. By treating those we can before they need a hospital, we can optimize results for patients whose hospital visits cannot be so easily foreseen.

Lead by Dr. Chris Franco, Medical Lead for the Cardiac ICU at Royal Jubilee Hospital, the VRPC is also helping to guide the next generation of cardiovascular prevention specialists. The clinic serves as a mentorship hub for resident physicians, and follows a learning health system (LHS) model to generate clinical research, as they continue to strive towards better care.

The Victoria Hospitals Foundation is proud to support the vital work of the VRPC through grant funding as they to serve cardiac patients, and our hospitals.

TD Ready Commitment Logo

The Vascular Risk and Prevention Clinic is funded through generous support from the Victoria Hospitals Foundation and their donors, including TD Bank Group through the TD Ready Commitment.