Caring Spirits: Cardiac Care Video

As a competitive cyclist and Iron Man Canada triathlete, Chris Marshall was shocked to be diagnosed with a leaking heart valve at age 50. Listen to this story about Dr. Karan Shetty and the incredible Cardiac teams that repair hearts at Royal Jubilee Hospital, and what it means to them when patients like Chris decide to say thanks.


The Caring Spirit program gives grateful patients and their loved ones the opportunity to pay tribute to doctors, nurses and other hospital caregivers by making a donation of any amount in their name.

Please remember to tell us your Caring Spirit’s first and last name and which hospital and department they work in.

  • Click Donate Now
  • Call 250-519-1750
  • Stop by the hospital cashier
  • Visit us or send us cheque. Here’s our contact information

Caregivers are so touched when they are named as Caring Spirits. They will receive recognition from their supervisors and peers, a special Caring Spirit pin and a letter of congratulations that doesn’t disclose the amount of your gift.

[title size=”2″]HOW DOES YOUR DONATION HELP?[/title]

Your gift will be used for priority medical equipment that improves care for other patients. Caring Spirit has funded hundreds of important pieces of medical equipment throughout Royal Jubilee and Victoria General hospitals. It’s a wonderful way to support  our hospitals and recognize excellent care.

Read about all our latest Caring Spirits!
