Pride Among The Nurses

Clinical Nurse Educator, Ang Hartsell, standing in Royal Jubilee Hospital

Ang Hartsell is a registered nurse at RJH, and the clinical nurse educator in the hospital’s operating rooms. Recently, she has proudly added another title to her name: lead of the RJH robotics nurse leadership team. She notes robotics is alleviating demands on nurses post-surgery, and that surgical nurses are proud to be a part of this surgical innovation.

“Our local robotics project was inspired by collaboration networking and building relationships. We engaged with our cross-Canadian nursing family which in turn fostered our local success here in implementing a surgical robotics program at RJH. These coalitions supported a very successful launch of the robotics program, in a way that truly supported our surgeons, nurses, and our project team. I am so proud of our teams’ accomplishments.”

The minimally invasive equipment being funded through the Foundation’s campaign will add to the excellence of the surgical program as nurses “strive to provide the very best healthcare through innovation.”