Entries by Victoria Hospitals Foundation

Caring Spirit: Dr. Watson and Nurse Serzisko

Congratulations to Dr. Tim Watson and Nurse Traci Serzisko of Victoria General Hospital’s Stroke Rapid Assessment Unit in Neurosciences on each receiving a Caring Spirit award! A grateful patient made a donation in their honour after an experience in their care. The donor’s generous gift will be used to fund advanced equipment that improves care […]

Caring Spirit: RJH Pain Clinic

Congratulations to Linda Cundiff, Jessie Dulong, Angie Kurtz, and Bob Currie of the Royal Jubilee Hospital Pain Clinic on receiving a Caring Spirit award! A grateful patient has made a donation in their honour in tribute to the expert care she received. The donor’s generosity will directly help to continue and improve patient care. Thank you. […]

Caring Spirit: Seniors Health at Mount Tolmie Hospital

Congratulations to the Patient Care Team in Seniors Health at Mount Tolmie Hospital on receiving another Caring Spirit award! The grateful family of one of their former patients has made a donation in tribute to this incredible commitment. The donor’s generosity will directly help to continue and improve patient care in Seniors Health. Thank you. […]

Caring Spirit: Breast Cancer Navigation Nurses

Congratulations to Shawna Bond and Dorothy Yada, Breast Cancer Navigation Nurses, and to Christina Berlanda on behalf of the Victoria Breast Health Centre at Victoria General Hospital, recipients of recent Caring Spirit awards for incredible patient care! Your wonderful care made a lasting difference to one patient who donates annually in tribute to you. Your team […]

Caring Spirit: RJH Emergency Department

Congratulations to the Emergency Department at Royal Jubilee Hospital on receiving another Caring Spirit award! A former patient has made a donation in their honour in tribute to the excellent care in he has received their department on numerous occasions in the past several years. The donor’s generosity will directly help to continue and improve […]

Caring Spirit: Cardiac Team

Congratulations to Dr. Della Siega, Dr. Ofiesh, and the entire Cardiac team on 3NW at Royal Jubilee Hospital on receiving another Caring Spirit award! A grateful patient made another donation in their honour in tribute to her experience in their care many years ago. Her generosity will directly help to continue and improve patient care […]

Caring Spirit: RJH Emergency Department

Congratulations to RN Janine Gerrits, Dr. Alexandra Otto, and RN Lindsay Winters (not pictured) of Royal Jubilee Hospital on each receiving a Caring Spirit award! A grateful patient made a donation in their honour after an experience in their care. The donor’s generosity will directly help to continue and improve patient care. Thank you. Royal […]