Your donation helps build the best and brightest care teams.
You can touch the lives of dedicated healthcare professionals through donating toward educational opportunities. Your support will lead to better patient care, stronger collaboration among our care teams, and leading-edge approaches to diagnosis and treatment.
Island Health is home to 21,000+ employees and 1,900 physicians all with one goal in mind: the health and wellness of the 885,000+ residents in the Island Health region.
Donors play a critical role in advancing the knowledge and skills of Island Health employees and caregivers.
Heather A. Simpson Scholarship
The Heather Simpson Scholarship came about as a way for those who loved her to express their heartfelt gratitude to healthcare staff―specifically, every hospital staff member who provided extraordinary care to Heather during her 14-month stay at Royal Jubilee Hospital. To the entire team behind her care—nurses, doctors, pharmacists, dietitians, physiotherapists, care aides, housekeeping staff, and everyone else behind the scenes, the donors wish to express the following message: “Thank you, you made life better for Heather.”
This past year, 246 employees across Island Health received the award, which will cover 50 per cent of their annual tuition.
Helen Saunders Nursing Leadership Scholarship Award
Helen Saunders was a devoted and caring nurse who worked around the world and made a lasting impact at Royal Jubilee Hospital. This scholarship is dedicated to her legacy and funded through a transformational gift she left in her will. Each year, over 50 local nurses directly benefit from her legacy.
Lai Family Scholarship & Bursary Fund
Established in 2012, this fund has supported scholarships for over 300 unique Island Health caregivers helping advance their careers and equip them to better serve patients and their families. This local family’s motto of “Received from Society, Giving Back to Society” defines their giving and creation of this impactful scholarship fund.
TD Grants in Medical Excellence
A generous donation from TD Bank Group in 2013 has supported 85 nurses with grants to further their skill sets. TD is committed to professional education through its TD Grants in Medical Excellence program. These grants provide nurses and other caregivers with the opportunity to upgrade and maintain skills they need to deliver the highest quality of care. The grants also positively impact numerous colleagues with whom these award winners will share their knowledge and thousands of patients receiving care in the Patient Care Centre at Royal Jubilee Hospital.
William Pattison Nursing Scholarship Award
To celebrate his life, William Pattison’s family and friends came together to create the William Pattison Nursing Scholarship Award in his memory. This scholarship award is for nurses to develop their leadership skills and to promote best practices in nursing.
Emotion-Focused Family Therapy
For every child or young person struggling with mental health issues, there is a family desperately seeking guidance on how to support them. A donor enabled 150 Child, Youth and Family Mental Health Services workers from Island Health and its partners in care to receive specialized training. Through intensive, evidence-based instruction, they learned how to teach parents how to best support their own child within their family, school, community, and culture. Emotion-Focused Family Therapy is rooted in a deep and unwavering belief in the healing power of families. It is based on the premise that helping kids who have mental health issues works best when treatment includes parents too.
“I have been a Care Aide at the hospital on 3 North West, in the Patient Care Centre at Royal Jubilee Hospital for the past few years. I love helping people and decided I wanted to do more. I applied for the RN program and have just completed by first year with top marks. Thank you for supporting education and giving people the opportunity to better themselves.”
—Recipient of a TD Grant in Medical Excellence
Scholarship Winner: Jaydon Polson
Donors Open Doors
“I want to extend a profound thank you to the donors who contribute to this scholarship, so Indigenous people like me, can advance their careers and knowledge, and ultimately better help our patients, too. Your generosity demonstrates a genuine care for others and a deep respect for our culture, and that means so much to me.”
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Now, more than ever, the future of our care depends on what community leaders like you do today.
With just a few clicks, you can set up your own fundraiser on to engage your network and help raise donations for educational opportunities for Island Health staff and caregivers.
CRA’s graphic educational tool: Who is the true donor?