Michael’s Story

Given The Gift Of Time

Michael Bohones & his wife at an event honouring his caregivers, hosted at Royal Jubilee Hospital (RJH)

Michael And His Wife Louise

“I knew exactly where I was when I woke up. With all the beeps of the machines and the monitors surrounding me, I knew I was at Royal Jubilee Hospital, getting the help I needed.

My wife Louise was next to me, patiently watching the monitors, following the beat of my heart. She told me I had suffered a heart attack. A former cardiac nurse, Louise was keenly aware of how serious my situation was.

I had left the house that morning looking forward to participating in the Royal Victoria Marathon. The last thing I remember was locking my car doors. I don’t remember making it to the six-kilometre mark, but somehow, I did. That’s where I was told I collapsed. I was turning blue, and several people jumped in to perform CPR on me. I had to be intubated in the ambulance on the way to the hospital, and when I arrived, doctors had to restart my heart once more. It is certainly bewildering when you think about it; all these people working to bring you back to life and I don’t remember a thing about it.

My heart had been restarted seven times that day. Every single person that helped me, played a part in saving my life.

I woke up three days later in the hospital’s Coronary Care Unit (CCU) where I felt like I was the centre of attention. The level of care and dedication I received was extraordinary. I observed the interactions between the doctors and the nurses, calmly working and speaking to one another. It reminded me of an air traffic control tower, so much happening, but it was all managed beautifully.

Dr. James Thompson had been updating Louise every step of the way since my arrival in the ER, and, to this day, every caregiver I have seen has underlined the important role that CPR played in saving my life. I was humbled by this, to know that when you are at your most vulnerable, there are people around you who are willing to step in and pick you up. It’s a feeling I can’t describe. I went into the hospital clinging to life and I was able to walk out six days later. I will be forever grateful.

Once I was stable enough, I went into surgery where Interventional Cardiologist Dr. Simon Robinson repaired a blockage in my artery by inserting a stent. Cardiologist Dr. Lauren Dewart then took over my care, carefully observing my recovery.

It was amazing to know that there were doctors, nurses, and caregivers, across so many different disciplines, who all came together as a team to help me.

Paramedics, caregivers, and civilian bystanders who helped save Michael's life.

Emergency Personnel, Caregivers, And Civilian Bystanders Who Helped Save Michael’s Life Gathered To Celebrate His Recovery And Be Honoured For Their Vital Work

I don’t know what led me to have a heart attack, I don’t dwell on any of that. There were no signs that this might happen. I felt great the morning of the race and I was otherwise healthy. Now, I view every day as a gift. I’m thankful that we have dedicated caregivers working in our hospitals who devote themselves to providing patients like me, with the best care possible. Because of them, I’m able to listen to my granddaughter’s giggles, take a walk in the rain with my wife, or have a chat with my daughter. My wife gets emotional about it all, but I like sharing my story, especially if it can help someone else.

I’ll be the first to admit that we tend to take so many things for granted until we need them. The hospital is one of those things. We expect the life-saving equipment to be there when we’re in a crisis. But what we don’t think about is how the equipment gets to the hospital or where the money comes from to buy all those innovative machines. The government dollar only goes so far.

My life-saving journey included many equipment pieces funded by donors to the Victoria Hospitals Foundation: a ventilator, monitors, ultrasounds…and those are only the items I know about. What I also know, is that without these pieces of equipment, or our amazing caregivers, I wouldn’t be here today.

I’m a retired CPA, so I know every dollar counts. I want donors who choose the Foundation, to know they are making a difference.

Your generosity has been felt, and I will be forever grateful. I am living proof of how one life can be transformed.

Your support is a lifeline, and because of you, I have been given the precious gift of time—time to share with my family, to enjoy the simple pleasures, and to tell my story. Thank you from the bottom of my repaired heart.